Real Name of these Game of Thrones Characters?
4. Tyene Sand Rosabell Laurenti Sellers played the role of “Tyene Sand” in the web series “Game of Thrones”. Tyene …
4. Tyene Sand Rosabell Laurenti Sellers played the role of “Tyene Sand” in the web series “Game of Thrones”. Tyene …
3. Nymeria Sand Jessica Henwick played the role of “Nym Sand” in the web series “Game of Thrones”. Nymeria Sand, …
2. Obara Sand Keisha Castle-Hughes played the role of “Obara Sand” in the web series “Game of Thrones”. She is …
1. Myrcella Baratheon Nell Tiger Free played the role of “Myrcella Baratheon” in the web series “Game of Thrones”. Myrcella …
3. Oberyn Martell Pedro Pascal played the role of “Oberyn Martell” in the web series “Game of Thrones”. Oberyn Martell …